some of my projects from the last few years
some of my projects from the last few years
MASSIVE spark gap tesla coil at LOD labs
Wirelessly powered capacitively coupled wireless bike at LOD labs
Gallium aluminum garnet scintilator crystals
200W UV laser diode lighting a log on fire without a lens
short path distillation setup
fractional distillation + condensor column
fractional distillation setup (thermal camera)
Open Flashlight PCB Rendering
Izzymonitor HAOS panel
MicroMPPT test board
diethyl ether extracted from starting fluid
Brain jar🧠 (pink oyster rye berry grain spawn jar)
rendering of the LTC3350 supercap bidirectional converter PCB
holding the first bidirectional converter prototype I assembled :)
microwave oven transformer (MOT) arc
IGBT singing ignition coil playing a nokia ring tone
this is an ignition coil driven by an IGBT half bridge by an arduino designed to play music on a jacob's ladder. here it is producing a heart around 20khz
this is a lion's mane that has begun to fruit in the grain spawn jar
attiny1627 (2-Series) based power usage tracker made to observe a power spike associated with a randomly triggered GSM module activation on a hydrogen gas meter. milled on an LPFK protomat.
LTC3110 based bidirectional converter with attiny1627 uC. produced in the process of testing kyocera-AVX prismatic caps for a variety of applications
underside of the LTC3110 PCB. off-the-shelf RF cans secure two prismatic caps securing and provide some protection. produced a version with a lower profile solid aluminum can in the same style
voltage multiplier with ~100kV output
NEMA23 stepper motor converter to a crank generator supercap charger
printing an an egg as a basking spot for one of my snakes with an MSLA resin 3D printer. she LOVES it
this is marcelle the red tail boa basking on her egg :) she's quite the hermeticist
this is a POV globe made from an addressable LED strip and random brushless motor. the wood frame was a poor choice
coating an mSLA printed part in a polyurethane/copper nanoparticle based conductive coating to prep for electroplating
electroplating setup where copper (CuSO4 + sulfuric acid + brightener solution) is deposited on the printed piece
mSLA resin printed part after an electroplating procedure
individuation of the technical object ;)
ROZ Wild Robot Back Silkscreen
panellus stipticus liquid culture
testing a DRSSTC driver
guitar pedal PCB with a FLCL graphic
The Owls Are Not What They Seem
golden oyster mushrooms taking over a tank of mulch
dead analog oscilloscope running with the hood off
loading up a pressure cooker with grain spawn jars to sterilize them for inoculation
Greenhouse at Counter Culture Labs
laser engraving a table my roommate and I built (image from Deleuze and Guattari's A Thousand Plateaus)
Marcelle on a 3D printed recreation of William Burroughs' Dreamachine
Addition of of concentrated sulfuric acid to CUSO4 based electroplating solution
using a pressure cooker as an autoclave for spawn bag sterilization
DIY stirplate with a computer fan and printed parts
Agar/LME spore plates
sad PCB lost in the reflow conveyer belt :((
playing with digital art/laser engraving. the snakeskin pattern on the wood comes from the grain on the sycamore.
xSIID self implant procedure
LED visible in daylight after some healing
building a bioactive enclosure for my ball python Basil. made with gorilla glue, spray foam, DIY tropical ABG mix, and terrafirma
completed bioactive setup for Basil :)
DIY magnet implant surgery. gave myself lidocaine injections in the base of my finger, cut a pocket, and inserted a parylene c coated neodymium magnet.
zebra isopod terrarium setup