NFC/LED Chip Implant

Notes on-Implanting an xSiiD NFC/LED Chip

This project features Dangerous Things’ xSIID NFC+LED Implant. I opted for the injectble style (“x-series”) after finding other forms of implantation to be very stressful and involved for my tastes. With hindsight, I probably should have gone with the NExT chip, which combines 125khz and 13.56mhz RFID protocols into one chip. I opted for self implantation based on this guide from Dangerous Things and this video from SparkFun Electronics and I found the procedure quite easy. I chose to inject the chip into the webbing of my left hand. It’s been about a year without issue at this point, somewhat suprisingly honestly! I go rock climbing quite a bit these days, and I am suprised to report I never even notice it.

(left to right) Just after the procedure, first time loading some data on