Open Flashlight
Open Source Flashlight with Atopile
Compact, high power, reliable open source flashlight. Designed with KiCAD, Atopile, and Fusion360
Mechanical design by Jessie Stiles
Design files can be viewed here. PCBA files are placed in the build artifacts with each Actions run.
- uv-lamp.ato is a 1.6mm aluminum PCB designed to hold 1-3 series 3535SMD LEDs
- ccdriver.ato contains the BMS and LED driver
- attiny816.ato contains the attiny816 build used by the ccdriver
- Finish and test ccdriver
- Add battery and LED current sensing via the ATTinyA ADCs (+ investigate 2-series true differential ADCs)
- Finish mechanical design
- Create builds for other LEDs and battery sizes
- TI BQ24040 Battery Charger
- TI TPS61169LED Driver
- 1A USBC Charger
- PWM dimming with adjustable max current
- ATTiny816 microcontroller with open source firmware (WIP). Programmable over UPDI using a standard serial adapter.

ccdriver render, assembly

Testing fit and threading for enclosure, testing diodes

Fluorescence of alleged "uranium glass" (radiacode 103 says otherwise)