

Name Lucy Chambers
Label Research Engineer
Summary I am interested in how systems work and how they fail. Electrical engineering is my focus, following from an abiding interest in systems theory/control theory met with a concrete desire to build systems. At Kyocera-AVX I have been reverse engineering a wide array of products, evalutating prototype components, and researching emerging application areas to assist our product development and market engineering teams.


  • 2024.10 - Present
    Research Fellow
    Sponsored in designing a number of PCBs and contributing to various open source projects
    • HAOS Control Panels.
    • Ultra-Low Power BLE/UWB Mesh Network Clients.
    • Meshtastic Clients.
    • Find My Network Geolocators
  • 2023.04 - 2024.08
    Research Engineering
    Kyocera-AVX is an American electronics component manufacturer specializing in passive components such as antennas, MLCCs, tantalum capacitors, supercapacitors, and varistors.
    • Preformed teardowns on a wide variety of products and systems on behalf of market research and engineering teams.
    • Reverse engineered systems to assist product design and market research teams, produced schematics and component models from product samples, evaluated samples annd prototype components to assess suitability for given products/applications of interest.
  • 2022.10 - 2023.05
    Machinic Garden LLC
    Contract Engineering and Manufacturing Services, Small-Scale Manufacturing
    • Designed prototype PCBs to client specifications and designed processes to address specialty needs (e.g. copper nanopaticle airbrush coating and electroplating of 3D printed parts).
    • Acquisition and integration of a wide variety of small scale manufacturing and test equipment including 3D printers, laser cutters, arc welders, drill presses, osciloscopes, CNC mills and reflow ovens.
    • PCB Design (KiCAD, Fusion360)
    • Managed a shop website and several storefronts such as Etsy and Amazon, mananged AdSense, and handled order processing and shippng for an array of products including t-shirts, laser engraved coasters/signs, 3D prints, and electronics kits.
    • Full-Stack Embedded Development (C/C++, Micropython, Arduino, ATTiny, ARM Cortex M, STM32, ESP32/8266, Teensy, RP2040, SAMD21/51)
  • 2022.05 - 2022.10
    Electronics Lab Technician
    Electrolux is an Swedish multinational home electronics manufacturer specializing in appliances such as fridges and washing machines.
    • Assisted engineers in PCB and firmware development and validation.
    • Preformed IEC compliance testing, evaluated hardware and firmware revisions with LabVIEW, NI embedded PCs and custom Arduino based test hardware.
    • Used OrCAD, LabVIEW, National Instruments PXI, and a wide array of electronics lab equipment.


  • 2020.05 - Present
    Cleo Bailey Experiment
    Community garden project in Anderson, SC. Provides food to local food banks, hosts community events, and actively working on renovations with the hope to host many additional resources
    • 501c nonprofit organization.
    • Coordinated with university student organizations and community groups to organize volunteer efforts and plan events.
    • Managed and participated in the planning and construction of a wide array of construction, rennovation and gardening projects.
    • Assisted in the design and implementation of an array of low-cost, experimental construction and gardening methods, such as 'DIY' irrigation systems made from PVC pipes and low-cost rainwater collection/distrubution systems.


  • 2024.06.14
    OpenSauce 2024 Exhibtor
    Daly City, California
    An event for engineers, student groups, open source developers, makers, and startups to exhibit something they've been working on. You hear my application on the Safety Third podcast here:


Electrical Engineering
Circuit Design (AVX)
PDN Analysis (AVX)
PCB Antenna/Filter Design
Failure Mode Analysis (Electrolux)
Equipment Design/Construction (AVX/ElectroLux)
PCB Design (AVX/MG)
PCB Assembly (AVX/MG/Electrolux)
IEC Compliance Testing (Electrolux)
Functional Testing/Debugging (AVX/MG/Electrolux)
Prototype Evaluation (AVX)
SPICE Modeling (AVX)
Full-Stack Embedded Development
C, C++, Arduino, Micropython Firmware Development (AVX/MG)
Circuit Design, PCB Design/CAD Design (AVX/MG)
Instrumentation/Test Hardware Design
Rapid Prototyping (AVX/Electrolux)
STM8/32, ATMega/ATTiny, ESP8266/ESP32, RP2040, SAMD21/51, Teensy, PIC Microcontrollers
Rapid Full Stack Turnaround Time (AVX)
FDM 3D Printing (AVX/MG)
SLA/mSLA 3D Printing (AVX/MG)
CNC Machining/Laser Engraving (MG)
Casting (MG)
Electroplating (AVX/MG)
Research Engineering
Teardowns (AVX)
Technical Report Composition (AVX)
Market Research (AVX/MG)
Reverse Engineering (AVX/MG)
Prototype Evaluation (AVX/MG)


English, C/C++, Python/Micropython, Bash, Git


Fields of Interest
Resevoir Computing
Machine Learning
Autonomous Systems
RF Engineering
High Energy Physics/Plasma Physics
Wireless Power Transfer
Renewable Energy
Open Science
Open-source Hardware/Free Software
Open-source Bioinformatics
Free Software
Small Scale Manufacturing (3D Printing, CNC Milling, Laser/Plasma Cutting, Etc.)
Open Source/Low Cost Lab Equipment
Control Theory
Theory of Computation
LLM Fine Tuning
Information Theory
Karl Friston/FEP
Machine Learning
Mushroom Cultivation
Mushroom Identification


Zephaniah Smith, Founder at The Cleo Bailey Experiment
Julian Wilson, Market Research Engineer II at Kyocera-AVX